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Street Corner Protestors

About Our Movement


To end racial inequality around. the globe through transformative education, collaborative planning, and community initiatives.


Worldwide racial equality

SCORE is short for Support Causes of Racial Equality, and the SCORE Store is a social enterprise, meaning that a significant portion of our profits will go towards social justice initiatives. The SCORE concept was originally created for sports leagues and athletes in the U.S. and around the world to show their support for the fight for racial equality and to permanently infuse the SCORE ideology into their cultures. However, we quickly realized that SCORE is for everyone and that everyone understands the elementary truth that "If we don't SCORE, we can't win!"


The SCORE Store is the place where you can make a powerful statement with every purchase. That statement is that you Support Causes of Racial Equality, and you want the world to follow your example. Maybe you can't go to a protest or a rally for whatever reason, but you can buy SCORE apparel for yourself and your family to show them, your friends, and other people what side of history you're standing on. With the purchase of every shirt, hat, pair of legging etc., you'll be helping to send a youth of color to an HBCU (Historically Black College or University) or a vocational school.

About Us

The SCORE Store is an African American family owned business that is intent on making the world a better place. After the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd and the maltreatment of Asian Americans, we felt that we needed to do more in the fight for racial justice. Our nation's athletes were disparaged for speaking out about the various systemic inequities. That sparked the creation of SCORE, the intersection between sports and protest. The space where protest against racial inequality can seamlessly become a part of the nation's sports' culture and where every person in the U.S. and beyond can integrate racial protest into their everyday lives. SCORE is the way to bring the fight for racial equality into the mainstream. You may not be able to go to a protest to show your support for racial justice, but you can purchase SCORE apparel and take the protest home, to the workplace, to the gym, and everywhere else.


We've decided to make the SCORE Store a social enterprise, so that a significant portion of our profits will go towards making sure black youth receive quality educations at our nation's prestigious HBCU's and vocational schools. We believe that education is transformative, and it will enable our youth to create their own narratives, a narrative of hope, but we need your help to do it.


Project U-Turn (PUT)

The PUT initiative is to help destroy the school to prison pipeline (the connection between predominately black schools and state prisons) and to prevent black and brown youth from engaging in criminal conduct which will socially disenfranchise them for life, both of which help perpetuate mass incarceration. Mass incarceration is the practice of branding young men and women of color as felons to subject them to a lifetime of legalized discrimination (employment, education, housing, voting discrimination, etc.) and, subsequently, relegate them to second class citizenship.


PUT is a two prong program. The first component of the program, we want to go into middle and high schools where the students are predominately black and brown and educate them about the school to prison pipeline and the collateral consequences of becoming a convicted felon. The second component of the program is a 13 week course that we'd like to serve as a prison diversion program or to be required in conjunction with other prison diversion programs. This program will educate student about such topics as the perils of being labeled a convicted felon, restorative justice, interact electronically with persons serving long term prison sentences, etc. We'd like for the program to act as a buffer between black and brown communities and the criminal justice system. Our plan is to implement a 5 year PUT pilot.

Time Out Campaign Initiative

Every fall, during Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we want high schools and colleges to host accountability pledge drives. Students and participating staff will make the following pledge: "I pledge to never become a perpetrator of sexual assault nor dating violence, and I pledge to report all incidents of sexual assault and dating violence to school authorities whether am a victim, survivor, or a bystander." Students will be given pledge cards and wristbands with the words Made the Pledge with the current school year on them. Every year the color of the wristbands will change to ensure that every keeps their pledges current.


Every spring, during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, we want to host a Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Prevention Conference for young men between the ages of 12 and 24. These conferences will feature speakers ranging from abuse survivors to local prosecutors explaining the acts that constitute sexual misconduct. Our objective with the conferences is empathy building.


We deem sexual assault and dating violence to be both social justice and human rights issues that threatens the health, safety, and well-being of our nation's (and other nations') most vulnerable citizens. We'd like to partner with sports leagues and other interested entities to host these conferences in an effort to combat these systemic issues plaguing our society.

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